Family & Friends Association 2023.

President: Emma Brooks

Secretary: Tami Beechey

Treasurer: Mel Skeen

Family & Friends meet monthly.

Parents’ clubs (Family & Friends Association) promote the welfare of, and provide support to, the school and its community. Parents are key partners in their child’s learning. By interacting with the school and other parents, Family & Friends association members can use their skills and experience to work collaboratively with others in supporting the school and its students and build a sense of community within the school.

The aims and objectives of a Family & Friends Association is to work in cooperation with the principal and school council to:

  • contribute to the wellbeing of the school community

  • encourage the participation of all parents in the life of the school and the education of their children

  • provide opportunities for parents to get to know each other and to be informed about their child’s school

  • provide opportunities for parents to extend their understanding of school operations, and general education policy

  • contribute to proposals on school policy and other educational issues (as identified or discussed with the principal or school council)

  • raise funds for the benefit of the school (optional).


Staffing 2025


Student Leadership 2024.