
Click any of the sub-headings below to jump straight to the section that piques your interest.

Instructional Workshop Model.

At Stratford Primary we have developed an Instructional Model that we believe reflects current best practice in delivering a solid primary education.

We follow the “Gradual Release of Responsibility” model or, “I do, we do, you do”. Lessons begin with a clear Learning Intention and Success Criteria that support students to reflect upon their achievements at the lesson conclusion.

Teachers will model the skill being taught, and then there is an activity provided for the group to practise together. After a check in, students practise the skill independently. Reflection time at the lesson conclusion encourages students to measure their success against the Success Criteria.

Within this model, teachers are modelling, questioning, conferencing and directly teaching, taking formative assessment to inform their next step.

The Stratford Primary School Instructional Model is used to deliver Victorian Curriculum learning across the curriculum.


Stratford Primary is committed to providing best practice education in Literacy. Classroom timetables include 10 hours of literacy weekly.

For students who are learning the alphabetic code, we follow the Heggerty Phonological and Phonemic Awareness program. For those who need extension, we use Spelling Mastery. 

Learning in Reading is delivered through our Instructional Model. Students are taught how to choose “just right” books that will support them in developing essential decoding and comprehension skills. Teachers support students through guided Reading groups, 1:1 conferencing and Book Clubs dependent on point of need.

Writing lessons also follow our Instructional Model. Students are taught specific writing skills based on  the traits/qualities of writing - collecting and developing ideas, vocabulary and word choice, sentence fluency and structure, organisation of writing genre and presentation.


We dedicate 5 hours per week to Mathematics learning. We also seek opportunities to develop Numeracy across the curriculum.

Our mathematics lessons are planned and delivered through our Instructional Model. Teachers include opportunities for students to apply the 4 proficiencies (fluency, problem solving, reasoning and understanding) in every mathematics lesson.

The Arts.

Through the hard work of a dedicated school community we have a well resourced Visual Art space at our school.

Students have access to a wide range of materials and visual art forms. We also have a dedicated music room stocked with instruments for our students to experience.

In 2023 Music and Visual Art will be taught for one semester each.

Stratford student playing a piano
Stratford student doing the arts
Stratford student playing a guitar


Indonesian is the language taught at Stratford Primary School.

All students from Foundation to Year 6 access 1 hour of Indonesian per week. Where possible the specialist teacher will link learning in Indonesian to Numeracy and Literacy being taught in our classrooms.

Kitchen Garden.

The Kitchen Garden Program is the jewel in the crown of learning at Stratford Primary School.

We have our own established fruit and vegetable gardens, compost centre, green house and a well equipped classroom kitchen. All students participate in weekly Kitchen Garden sessions where they have an opportunity to practise their literacy and numeracy skills, as well as experience the feeling of wellbeing that the outdoors brings. 

Stratford students sitting around a fire
Stratford student showcasing a meal
Stratford student baking

Physical Education.

All students attend a 1 hour session of Physical Education each week.

Students are encouraged to wear their “Sports uniform” on the days when they have PE.

Through our PE program students can access specialist clinics at no cost, including (but not limited to) Bike Education, Hockey, Basketball, Lawn Bowls, Athletics training, Netball or AFL. We also provide the opportunity for students to attend swimming lessons on a user pays basis.

Each year Stratford Primary School hosts its own Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics Carnivals. This is a terrific opportunity for our whole school community to be involved, joining in to help out and cheer our kids on.

We also actively seek opportunities for our students to compete against other schools through Hoop Time Basketball and Winter Sports.

Stratford students during an athletics session

Integrated Studies.

(History, Geography & Science)

Stratford Primary School ensures that these subjects are taught from Foundation to Year 6 across the curriculum (in all subject areas) and as a specialist subject for 1 hour per week. We have designed a bi-yearly planning cycle to support  the timely delivery of these subjects. For example, each year 2 terms will be dedicated to Science topics, 1 term to History and 1 term to Geography.

Information and Communication Technologies.

Information and Communication Technology skills are taught across the curriculum.

These technologies are not a “stand alone” subject, but are integral to all learning areas.

Stratford Primary School has an up to date bank of laptops and ipads for our students to access. From Term 1 2024, all students will have 1:1 access to laptops.

Stratford primary school high ability program students
Stratford student working with a laptop
Stratford primary school students studying technology