Student Wellbeing.
Wellbeing Curriculum.
At Stratford Primary School we place a high value on positive wellbeing for our whole school community.
We support and encourage a positive growth mindset, and the resilience to take on challenging learning.
We have employed a Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader who delivers weekly sessions of Wellbeing Education to all grade levels. These sessions are based on the Victorian Health Education Curriculum, the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships Program, and the “Bounce Back” Program.
We also employ an on site counsellor who supports students in need on a fortnightly basis.
The Zones of Regulation.
At Stratford Primary School, we support our whole school community to maintain positive mental health and wellbeing using the Zones of Regulation.
All staff help and support students to stay in the “Green Zone” through positive reinforcement, teaching self regulation strategies and developing individual support plans as needed.
Every year our Foundation enrolments are matched with a Year 6 buddy. This buddy will help and support our young students to settle into primary school life.
We also have a designated “Buddies” Day each term. Students are split into Buddies Groups, then take part in multi age activities aimed at reinforcing wellbeing. For example, “Kindness Day” or “Say NO to Bullying Day”. The beauty of a small school like ours is that everyone, regardless of age or grade, plays together in our yard. Our Buddies Days help strengthen and support those student relationships.