Daily Routine.

In order to be ready to start class at 9:00am, the morning bag bell rings at 8:45am to allow students to enter the building and get organised for the start of the day. The yard is supervised from 8:30am and we ask that students not be at school prior to this as teachers and support staff are often involved in meetings before 8:30am and are unable to supervise students before this time. Please refer to our Yard Duty Supervision Policy.

Students are required to be in class at 9:00am.

Playground open

Getting Ready for Learning

9:00am Session 1
Literacy and Numeracy Focus

11:00am Recess
Eat indoors then outside play.

11:30am Session 2
Literacy and Numeracy Focus

1:30pm Lunch
Eat indoors then outside play.

2:30pm Session 3
Literacy and Numeracy Focus

End of school day

Playground closed