Kitchen Garden

Wow, what a challenge!!

The highlight of the KG programme was the year 5/6 challenge, where students were asked to choose a recipe that required cauliflower and carrots which were harvested from our garden. There were some simple recipes, and some very ambitious recipes, but the most impressive part of the week was their focus and effort.  Well done, 5/6 class!!

 Meanwhile, 3/4 made a chicken rice chow mein, where they could choose from a range of vegetables to suit the tastes of their group.  It’s been great to see that students are becoming more willing to taste vegetables which they have avoided in the past.

 The younger classes made mini sushi rolls which gave them an opportunity to develop their fine motor skills with using a butter knife to cut, and rolling up the mini nori sheets.

 Hand made pasta making was also a challenge but the students gained great experience in rolling dough using the folding method.  The outcome was not pretty, but very tasty😊


Integrated studies with F/1

