Kitchen Garden

Week 1 and 2 Kitchen Garden

The first two weeks of school have seen most the students refamiliarising with the kitchen and  the hygiene and safety rules.  In week 1 the 5/6 class used some of the grapefruit grown at the school and some home grown lemons to make a refreshing cordial. They tasted this with both water and soda to see which they preferred.

Week 2 saw all classes making rainbow fruit skewers. Fruit was cut by the two senior classes and everyone chose fruit to make a skewer. The Foundation students learnt how to prepare for cooking by putting on aprons and washing their hands. Classes 3/4 and 5/6 were able to review Indonesian colour words whilst doing this activity.

Next week we hope to move outside and start preparing the soil and planting seeds.


Years 3 to 6 games.