Grade 6 Graduation

Last night the grade 6 graduation ceremony was held at the Stratford Bowls Club. Students and their families dressed in finery and enjoyed a smorgasbord of delicious finger food. Students challenged their family members and fellow students to a game or two of bare foot bowls on the green. At 7.30pm additional guests arrived to witness our grade 6 graduates deliver some entertaining speeches. Speakers also included our principal Mrs Steele and our grade 5/6 teacher Mr Holmes. The night wound up after students spent some time with their peers dancing and enjoying each other’s company. Thank you to the 2023 Grade 6 Graduation Committee for organising, setting up and cleaning up the event. Thank you to Chloe Rogerson, Heather Gaudion and the staff members who gave up their time to help run the event.




Kitchen Garden Program